There are millions of orphans in our world. That's millions of innocent children with no one committed to loving and teaching them as they grow. Far too many children aging out of their orphanages each year and expected to fend for themselves with no support and a great deal of stigma against their orphan status. There are many children with health issues who do not receive the medical care they need to survive or thrive. We believe that God, who offers to love and adopt each of us and meet our every need, longs for us to go and do the same. There are many hurting people in this world and many ways to help and we certainly don't expect that every person will pursue adoption. We do hope that more will.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Finding a routine....

Living here in Donets'k its been hard to find a routine. We have been flying from here to there (those who've been here know I literally mean flying!) signing papers, visiting our girl, picking up food, exchanging money and trying to fit in eating!  Oy! Today we finally got to visit our girl at the orphanage in a "normal" room with a table, which assisted greatly in being able to do things together.  Life is all about sticker books, colouring, doing hair, cuddling, laughing, taking pictures and most importantly, looking at the iPad with family pics and pics of her old friends from her last two orphanages. It has been good for her to see her old friends in their families, hopefully giving her a picture of what her life will look like on the other side of the planet.
Today she hand wrote her desire to be adopted by Johnathan Richard Hughes and Beth Mitchell Hughes, which was awesome. It was all in script and quite neat too.  Somehow though, Michelle got translated officially into Mitchell!
We also had to provide her new name, which .......... you'll have to wait for until things are official :)
So we will be visiting from 1500-1700 each day for the next while, which help with something of a routine.
Here is a teaser of the girls playing....

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Hey!! so good to hear more. Hope you can settle into a pleasant routine now & that the communication barriers will be easier as you get to know each other. Sure looking forward to hearing what her name will be! I'll be checking the Blog for updates daily! love to you all, Mom/Grandma/Baba
