There are millions of orphans in our world. That's millions of innocent children with no one committed to loving and teaching them as they grow. Far too many children aging out of their orphanages each year and expected to fend for themselves with no support and a great deal of stigma against their orphan status. There are many children with health issues who do not receive the medical care they need to survive or thrive. We believe that God, who offers to love and adopt each of us and meet our every need, longs for us to go and do the same. There are many hurting people in this world and many ways to help and we certainly don't expect that every person will pursue adoption. We do hope that more will.

Friday 15 March 2013

Revised Homestudy

Our homestudy has been reconsidered, revised, re-edited, re-signed, and is on its way back to the AB government.   It should be on someone's desk on Monday.

Please, please join us in praying that it will be looked at quickly and if God thinks it's a good idea, approved!  We have been on pins and needles wondering if we're actually going ahead with this and hopefully we will soon know.   We are trusting (even when we don't feel it) that God knows what He is doing and He will keep on doing it.