There are millions of orphans in our world. That's millions of innocent children with no one committed to loving and teaching them as they grow. Far too many children aging out of their orphanages each year and expected to fend for themselves with no support and a great deal of stigma against their orphan status. There are many children with health issues who do not receive the medical care they need to survive or thrive. We believe that God, who offers to love and adopt each of us and meet our every need, longs for us to go and do the same. There are many hurting people in this world and many ways to help and we certainly don't expect that every person will pursue adoption. We do hope that more will.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

New Blessings

We're going to be grandparents!!  Our dear son and his lovely wife are expecting their first baby in July and we are so, so happy.  It will be a countdown to see if our new daughter or their new child arrives first  : )

Things are beginning to move a bit on the adoption front.  Our homestudy is being sent to the AB govt. for approval and we are conversing with our facilitator in Ukraine regarding our next steps.  It's still looking like we might be travelling by Spring.  We appreciate any and all prayers as so much of this whole process is out of our hands.

We had a really good visit with a family in Edmonton who brought their daughter home from Ukraine in the Fall.  It was wonderful to meet them and hear all about their experiences.

I've started painting a soft pink bedroom.  I am the world's worst wall painter and I hope our new girl will know how much I love her just by the fact that I painted a room for her!  It is exciting to be preparing and I'll post pics when it's complete.


  1. So exciting just to read it Mom! 2013 will be a great year for our family!

  2. I'm so happy that the homestudy is continuing it's travels and that the process is moving along! As much as we both long for the end to come: to meet and hold our precious children, I pray that you will enjoy the journey of anticipation and of your love deepening more and more for her. It's hard to wait, I know that first hand... but how meaningful and special your first hug will be when that built up love first overflows!!

  3. Congratulations on becoming grandparents! And yay for progress on the homestudy front!
