There are millions of orphans in our world. That's millions of innocent children with no one committed to loving and teaching them as they grow. Far too many children aging out of their orphanages each year and expected to fend for themselves with no support and a great deal of stigma against their orphan status. There are many children with health issues who do not receive the medical care they need to survive or thrive. We believe that God, who offers to love and adopt each of us and meet our every need, longs for us to go and do the same. There are many hurting people in this world and many ways to help and we certainly don't expect that every person will pursue adoption. We do hope that more will.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

And the routine continues...

We continue to have daily visits in our little room in the infirmary.  We will all be glad when we can begin to know each other outside of that room!  Our visits consist of crafts, snacks, Russian cartoons and IPad games, and any snuggles or eye contact and communication we can manage.

We find we are needing to plan more outings to keep the unrest at bay so we've enjoyed several visits with another adoptive family, walks, shopping, eating out (quite a challenge in itself) and today we took a bus to the Nemo dolphin show.  It was actually an excellent show for ten dollars a piece!  In a few days we'll try the Circus :)

We are homesick but praying lots and trying to take one day at a time. 


  1. I feel like we are alike..... you in the Ukraine, me in Fox creek.... haha. Having to find things to do so you dont go insane :)
    Love you guys lots, see you soon!!! Always in my prayers!

  2. Hi family!
    Hey!! You actually got to take Lucy outside?? That's new, isn't it? I'm sure it must have been great to get away from the one little room. So good chatting with you this morning for me! evening for you. I continue praying for everything to go smoothly over the next 10 days! Sure will be great to see you again - and meet our new little girl. Glad you are going out & doing some things; hope you continue to do more.
    Love you lots, hugs to all four,
    Mom & Grandma
