There are millions of orphans in our world. That's millions of innocent children with no one committed to loving and teaching them as they grow. Far too many children aging out of their orphanages each year and expected to fend for themselves with no support and a great deal of stigma against their orphan status. There are many children with health issues who do not receive the medical care they need to survive or thrive. We believe that God, who offers to love and adopt each of us and meet our every need, longs for us to go and do the same. There are many hurting people in this world and many ways to help and we certainly don't expect that every person will pursue adoption. We do hope that more will.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Tomorrow afternoon we will be going to court to become the parents of one precious little girl.  If all goes well, there will then be a ten day waiting period, then a couple days of running around for birth certificate etc.  THEN, we will walk away from the orphanage with our new daughter!  
I, Beth, am a little nervous about answering questions in court as my brain shuts down when I'm nervous.  Yes, I'm nervous about being nervous!  Our little one will also come to court and will have to say if she wants to become our daughter.  I imagine she will be nervous too.  So, prayers are appreciated :)


  1. Praying for you all. Beth, don't be nervous....GOD has you...he will give you the words to speak. This little girl is so blessed to have you all as her new family. We will be looking forward to meeting her as well.

  2. Hi Beth & John. I'm afraid you got this bad trait from your mother - when you are stressed, your memory leaves you, right? And then you are nervous. BUT...this time you have so many praying for you that you will get through all the questions just fine. God has been leading through all this so He is going to continue working. "For He who began a good work in you shall bring it to completion.." I'm praying for you and will be waiting to hear how everything works out - for good!
    Love you all - praying steadily, Mom
